We watched some seriously graphic births in our first birth class Monday night. Damn...all that streeeettttching!? Holy crap. Looks pretty painful! I'm just glad I won't be watching my poor patootie going through that. Feeling it is one thing...I think if I had to see it happen the pain would be 100 times worse!
In all honesty, I'm actually looking forward to the birth. I'm excited. I can't wait for the experience. I know....I'm sick.
And how was my weekend? This is how my weekend was:
I fell out of bed. No I wasn't sleeping, I was crawling into bed, leaned to far over, and sloooooooooowly slid down until I hit the bed frame with my ass-cheek and then hit the floor. The bruise is absolutely impressive! This was Friday night. Saturday morning I woke up with my first, and worst charlie horse evar! Add to that my sinuses were tingly, so I knew I'd end up sick sooner or later. Sure enough Sunday I felt like death warmed over. Today I'm finally able to walk straight, sit without pain and breath through at least one side of my nose!
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