Not that is was bad or anything.
My cabana boy is helping a friend build a tree house. For his step kids. Yah. Right.
The new digi camera come Friday, so I took a few pictures, but now we have to get the 'puter set up so we can download them. And by set up, I mean the cabana boy needs to plug in the cable for me.
So back to the tree house. It's pretty cool. I never had a tree house when I was a kid, so it was fun to be up high. And speaking of up high. I seem to have developed in my old age a pretty severe fear of heights. Yah, it sucks. I don't know how that happened! I probably hate roller coasters now too! Damn!
I left the boys to play while I went to the local farmers market. There was some lovely lovely lovely locally sheared and spun Corriedale wool yarn from
Long Haven farm. $16 for over 400 yards. If I hadn't spent all my research money I would have bought some. I will buy some at some point though. Just because I like to support local yarn. I also picked up a few things for the final box to send to my SP. And that's all I'm going to say about that! The Carrboro farmers market is pretty nice. I like to walk around, look at all the fruits, flowers, veggies, cheese. But I wouldn't necessarily say you save any money by buying there. Again, I like the idea of supporting local farmers, but personally I think the prices are a little on the high side because of the locale. The people in the Carrboro/Chapel Hill area are willing to pay more for something "rustic" or "farmy". There's another farmers market in Raleigh that I've only been to once, and don't really plan to go back to (too far, too messy to drive). There's also one in Greensboro, that I've only been to once and I can't wait to go back. I got a good deal on some goat cheese (and I love me some goat cheese!), and the thing was freaking huge! You could probably fit about 3 Carrboro farmers markets in the oustide area, and they have buildings too. And the prices really are a good deal. Course then you have to make up the difference in gas. And I'm not going to get into that.
Anyway, I did a few more things in town, went back to check that my cabana boy and his friend hadn't fallen or anything horrific like that, and eventually we headed home. Where we proceeded to sit on the porch, then watch some tv, all while drinking beer.
I also stuffed my Billy Bear Saturday, and attempted to attach his head. It was a complete train wreck, so Billy Bear is still in parts. I have no idea how to attach a freaking head. I'll have to do it soon.
I keep saying this, but I promise pictures. I still haven't taken a picture of the finished xback. I need a picture of the progress on the seed stitch jacket for the baby, too. And Billy Bear in parts! As soon as the cabana boy sets up the 'puter, I'll be right on it! I promise!
From Amanda
"Katsu isn't listed as a favorite band!!!!! I guess they're too new. Fight on State!Okay, I must have been gone far too long! Katsu sounds familiar, but I don't remember them. *cry* Boy do I miss State College! P.S. (I love) U. We Are!!
And thanks to Amy, Helen, and TuxedoTabby for laughing along with me. I'm definetely one of those people who look around for someone to giggle with when I trip over a crack or my own two feet.
What's on the 60" projection screen TVHey, it's my new feature! Movie suggestions. We watch A LOT of movies. We are Netflix junkies, and not to brag, but about a month ago we bought a Sony Grand Wega, 60" rear projection TV. It is amazing. Weekends we watch tons of movies, so I figured I'd fill you all in on the ones that I loved.
This weekend it was
Team America: World PoliceIf you like to fall off the couch laughing, this movie is perfect for you. It's made by the same guys who made Orgasmo and South Park. You can even recognize some of the voices. The songs are priceless. It's just a fall down laughing great kind of movie! Defintely highly recommended for those with a good sense of humor and who can handle puppet sex. "America! Fuck Ya"
We also watched
KinseyThis movie was about a pioneer sex researcher. A really great movie with a lot of parallel to what's going on now with the (lack of) sex education.